Month: August 2018


A word made out of cigarettes that is broken.

The doctor that has saved more lives than anyone else! Who is he? Luther Terry MD, the surgeon general of us who in 1962, finally forced the cigarette industry to include a warning saying smoking is dangerous to your health. The number of lives saved is probably in the 100 of thousands, or even more.


Benefits of a Sauna

A wooden room with benches and steps in it

The Sauna is a wonderful treatment that was developed in Scandinavia many years ago. The benefits are mainly sitting in a warm or hot, steamy room that is quiet while wrapped in a towel, if you prefer, with no radio newspapers cell phones or announcements. It’s just a relaxing time. Something we all need. One…


Vitamin Use

A word made out of fruits and vegetables.

If you could, would you go into a drugstore and take certain pharmaceuticals off the shelf because you thought you might have high blood pressure or diabetes or some such illness? Of course not, you would only take such powerful drugs under a doctor’s supervision. But vitamins and nutrients are very important for our health,…

