Stem cell therapy

Orthopedic Stem Cell therapyis an innovative way to use stem cells from your own body to treat your back or painful orthopedic ailments of knees, hips, shoulders, feet, ankles and more. The goal of this out-patient procedure is to help you attain pain-free movement and heal faster.Stem Cell Therapy is not indicated for everyone. At your first visit, the medical staff begins with a history including the review of any test results (MRI, x-rays, blood tests) you may have. If you are not a good candidate for Stem Cell Therapy we will discuss other treatment options with you. If we determine that you are a good candidate for the therapy, we will answer any question you may have and explain how stem cell therapy works and what will happen throughout the process. Stem Cells are produced in bone marrow and stored in abdominal fat pads. Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. They serve as an internal repair system, dividing to replenish other cells. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function (i.e. muscle cell, red blood cell, brain cell, ligament, tendons, cartilage etc). Stem cells can be induced to become a tissue or divide to repair and replace worn out or damaged tissue.

Promotes Healing in Bone Injuries:Stem cell therapy can accelerate the healing process for fractures and bone defects. This is particularly beneficial for nonunion cases where healing has stalled.

Addresses Cartilage Damage:The therapy can help regenerate cartilage in conditions like osteoarthritis. It may reduce pain and improve joint function, offering patients a better quality of life.

Supports Soft Tissue Recovery:Stem cells can enhance recovery from soft tissue injuries. They aid in reducing inflammation and promote tissue repair, leading to faster recovery times.

Overall, orthopedic stem cell therapy presents promising options for various musculoskeletal injuries, improving outcomes for patients.

  • Addresses Soft Tissue Injuries: This therapy is effective for soft tissue injuries as well. Conditions like tendinopathies and bursitis can benefit from the regenerative properties of stem cells.

  • Improves Joint Function: For issues like hip impingement syndrome and labral tears, stem cell therapy can restore joint function. It reduces inflammation and promotes tissue repair.

  • Supports Meniscus Health: In cases of meniscus tears, stem cells can aid in the regeneration of cartilage. This can lead to improved mobility and reduced pain.

Overall, orthopedic stem cell therapy offers promising solutions for various injuries, enhancing recovery and improving quality of life.

Additionally, orthopedic stem cell therapy is becoming increasingly popular among athletes and active individuals seeking non-invasive treatment options. By utilizing the body’s own regenerative capabilities, this therapy not only minimizes the risk of complications associated with surgery but also shortens downtime, allowing patients to return to their physical activities more quickly. As research continues to unveil the full potential of stem cells in orthopedic applications, more practitioners are incorporating these innovative techniques into their treatment plans, providing patients with cutting-edge solutions that align with their recovery goals and lifestyle.

-Stem cell therapy can be a good option for patients who have tried other treatments and want to avoid surgery or reduce the risk of infection or disease transmission.

Although it may take up to six weeks to notice improvement, many people report positive results after six to 12 months. Stem cell therapy can slow cartilage degeneration and promote the growth of new cartilage, ligament, tendon and other tissues.