Erectile Function Shot

Erectile Function Shot, is also known as *“Priapus Shot®” or “P-Shot®”*, BUT We cannot use these terms due to it being protected by the US Patent & Trademark Law. The process of the “Erectile Function shot” is either a PRP (plasma rich protein) or stem cell therapy, these are used to treat erectile dysfunction. Theseinjections are used for treating conditions that affect your penis and increases sexual performance.The Shot involves taking platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or stem cells, this means your doctor takes your stems cells or plasma and injects them into your penile tissues to promote tissue growth to give you stronger and long lasting erections.Once assessed in office, it will be decided which of these treatments will give the best results

Erectile Function Shot Benefits:

These benefits make the Erectile Function shot an appealing choice for men seeking solutions for erectile dysfunction and related concerns.

**Priapus Shot (P-shot) Naming Restrictions on Procedures* Trademark Protection: The names "Priapus Shot®" and "P-Shot®" are legally protected. This means we cannot use them without permission.**